Friday, November 13, 2009

New Stats!

I just received my prize and a certificate from the Utrecht competition, and I was amazed to learn that there were 12,000 entries from 5,200 artists! Thirteen were selected for awards. Thanks to Utrecht and to Stephen Doherty of American artist.

More thanks to Stephen Doherty for his wonderful article about my work in the January issue of American Artist. I just received my copies of the magazine and was honored to have ten painting reproduced along with his very insightful article describing my painting development and process. The January issue should be on newsstands soon, or you can order from the American Artist website:
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love your work! Telegraph Creek Oak is especially striking, almost alien looking!

    Kudos on the Utrecht prize, the recent American Artist article AND for supporting the Leatherback Trust.
